Home Hell Which Bible Which Church Plan of God Which Gospel More About

Updated July 2024

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It is natural for us to want to know what tomorrow will bring or what the future holds. This is especially so when it comes to predictions about the end of the world, return of Christ or the Second Coming. In times past there have been many self-proclaimed prophets announcing the end of the world or some other earth-shaking event. When you look up this topic in Wikipedia, you will find an incredibly long list of such predictions, none of which took place

World conditions are deteriorating. There is a general shakeup of the world order, unrest in many parts of the world, such as in the middle east, and the relentless war in Ukraine. The news reports continually stream events which are taking place in the world. Because of the internet and the instant communication systems we are all connected globally. Any news worthy event is flashed almost instantly around the world.

Find out more at https://www.returnofchrist.bibleanalytics.ca

Associated web sites: https://www.gospelfortoday.bibleanalytics.ca

A wonderful gift from God is His Word. With estimated total sales of over 5 billion copies, the Bible is widely considered to be the best-selling book of all time.

It sells approximately 35 million copies annually, and has been a major influence on literature and history, especially in the West.

The Bible has been translated into many languages. And it continues to be translated into new languages.

It has been said that you can prove anything from the Bible. Is this really true? There have been many opinions and ideas on what the Holy Scriptures truly teach. All Christian denominations and groups have their own list of beliefs and all say their teaching comes from the Bible but almost all have different opinions on what the Bible says?
Most people have a desire to understand God and His plan, purpose,biblepic power, and workings. Without a knowledge of God’s plan, purpose, power, and workings, many will be very frustrated trying to understand the Bible. To often people rely on the interpretations and explanations of pastors and men of theology for understanding instead of doing their own diligent research. If we search for an understanding of the purpose of God, we will be pleasantly surprised to find answers to all of our questions. The Holy Scriptures never contradict each other.

Things to consider about the Bible and its teaching:
Does the Bible teach of an ever burning hell fire for evil doers?
Does a person have an immortal soul?
Does God want to save all men but won't.
Did Jesus fail when He said He was the saviour of the world?
Did God lose the vast majority of the human race?
God created good and not evil. True?
Salvation a one shot deal and not a process. True?
Is the lake of fire and hell the same thing?
If you answered yes to some or all of these questions it may be worthwhile to read some of the articles on this web site to see if you agree or disagree.

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